With the pwipe, changes to classes that
arose from the crafting system are now obsolete and should be
reviewed. As usual, we'll start with a less controversial topic and
work our way up to the big ticket items. This installment will
address constitution as it is implicated with fallads.
- Holy Hammer: This ability was toned mightily as a result of a single player's strength with stacking constitution on crafted gear. (Well done, Rheal, for you have left your mark upon Nodeka's history.) As it is, the prevention time on holy hammer is much too high. If there is a concern about further constitution stacking, a minimum prevention could be placed on it. As it is, canon of the second hammer is rarely used, because it (a) overlaps with guided canon of mending, and (b) isn't going to see use. Holy hammer's prevention time needs to be dropped back to in line with its pre-crafted incarnation.
- White Flames of Prayer: This issue actually predates crafting altogether, and seems to have been left behind with the changes in design direction seen in other preventions. White flames of prayer receives no benefit from constitution training, which is unusual for preventions that are affected at all by constitution. The player must sacrifice a lot of his burst damage flexibility when finishing trains, because each 100 constitution trained increases the prevention of this ability by 3 minutes. The prevention time of this ability should not increase with constitution training; or at the very least, the downtime should be kept constant, such that a 2 minute gap between uptime and prevention remain constant, and training constitution at least increases the proportionate uptime.
are other abilities that need to be addressed in the same vein. The
next installment will likely address these abilities/features,
especially those related to fallads.
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