Tuesday, September 8, 2009

On Choices

Augmented a few days ago, and didn't have enough plats to buy the practices necessary to cap out my practices after augmenting my intellect back to 270. That was slightly unpleasant; I've only managed to get stun to 280% today.

Folks will chain augment a character, but I never do. Before I hit 250% in all my essential skills, I had to agonize constantly over what to train next. How much benefit am I actually getting out of hurricane kick training? Would it be more efficient to train endurance? By raising my limits ever so slightly, I'm (usually) able to hit my practice and health cap in short order, which eliminates the choices, and therefore eliminates the agonizing over what to train next.

I wonder if anyone else uses this type of illusion to reduce the stress of decision-making.

1 comment:

  1. My motto used to be just do it and then if it don't work redo it! Now thats so agonizingly hard to do.
