Three years late, here's quick review of logical race candidates for Fallad. I'll evaluate any races you request in the comments, and the next post will discuss the direction of posts for the near future.
Onillin Ti:
With no subclass to provide any augmented healing, and the main healing output of fallads unaffected by time-walk, this race is not nearly as powerful for the fallad as it is for the daja. However, the attributes remain viable, so this race is medicore rather than alarming.
Sun Kedoeji:
The time-walking remains a less than ideal racial choice, but the increased personal attack bonuses for Kedoeji cause this race to pull ahead of Onillin. Additionally, the sights, 48% 1/2 NR and extra dex/hit (due to more attacks) become more useful than for daja. Sun kedoeji is a strong utility choice for fallad.
Storm Wielder:
While the physical resistance and massive size have limited use, the lightning dominance fits fairly strongly with fallad 4-second cooldown on falladian holy analgesic, unlike Sun Kedoeji's time-walking. The constitution will help with preventions, although that is less relevant in today's Nodeka because the key prevention of holy hammer has been nerfed to the point where no amount of constitution will make it more than a novelty in most situations. The extra damage and dodge/parry suppression aren't bad for regular attacks, but conversely this race does not have much by way of reliable additional attacks. Nevertheless, +20 damage on the race may be worth almost an extra attack's worth of damage, depending on individual circumstance, so this race appears to be a fine choice, especially for running.
Silver Elf:
As with daja, a strong choice for fallad. While fallads are not the best healers on Nodeka, they are a clear second place. And with no subclass option for healing amplification, silver elf is one of the few ways that a fallad can boost his healing. The combat bonuses are very similar to Sun Kedoeji; the utility bonuses, however, lend more towards emergency situations rather than quality-of-life.
Omitted from my daja post, this race is included here for defensive potential. The continuous physical regeneration from ryfe combined with a fallad's heals can make this a tough race. Add in willpower, 15% anti-offensive, 60% magic and mental resist, you have a decent race. Given the new ability of static charge to cause the caster to almost never run out of mana (and fallads can heal while regenerating mana thanks to lagless healing), this is one of the most durable fallad racial choices. However, this race has only moderate offensive bonuses, so it's more relevant for fallads who want to run areas that are "too big" for their pools.