Fallad & Daja: 4.5/minute = 4 (psychic shock) + 0.5 (bolted lightning)
Druid: 5.16/minute = 4 (psychic shock) + 0.5 (bolted lightning) + 0.33 (breeze of hand) + 0.33 (cyclone of the guild)
Witch: 11.33/minute = 6 (mental blast) + 4 (mental tempest) + 1 (star of the green flame) + 0.33 (oblique pattern)
Poliir: 12.66/minute = 12 (kick) + 0.33 (banded smiting initiative) + 0.33 (oblique pattern)
Paladin: 13.33/minute = 12 (kick) + 1 (spiritstone) + 0.33 (banded smiting initiative)
Monk: 13.33/minute = 12 (kick) + 0.5 (striking fist) + 0.5 (ashi barai kick) + 0.5 (yikwon hand form) + 0.33 (oblique pattern)
Hunter: 13.83/minute = 12 (kick) + 0.5 (striking fist) + 0.5 (ashi barai kick) + 0.33 (breeze of hand) + 0.5 (bolted lightning)
Footpad: 14.5/per minute = 12 (kick) + 1 (glancing pierce) + 0.5 (striking fist) + 0.5 (ashi barai kick) + 0.5 (one of four, pivot)
Valkyrie: 14.83/minute = 12 (kick) + 1 (glancing pierce) + 0.5 (striking fist) + 0.5 (one of four, pivot) + 0.5 (ashi barai kick) + 0.33 (banded smiting initiative)
Ninja: 15/minute = 12 (kick) + 1 (glancing pierce) + 0.5 (striking fist) + 0.5 (ashi barai kick) + 0.5 (yikwon hand form) + 0.5 (one of four, pivot)
Wizard: 19/minute = 12 (magic arrow) + 6 (mental blast) + 1 (winged arc-bolt)
Necro: 18.83/minute = 12 (magic arrow) + 6 (mental blast) + 0.5 (unhallowed scathing) + 0.33(spectral windstorm)
Necro: 18.83/minute = 12 (magic arrow) + 6 (mental blast) + 0.5 (unhallowed scathing) + 0.33(spectral windstorm)
Sorcerer: 19.5/minute = 12 (magic arrow) + 6 (mental blast) + 1 (star of the green flame) + 0.5 (bolted lightning)
Marauder: 23.83/minute = 12 (kick) + 6 (mental blast) + 4 (mental tempest) + 0.5 (striking fist) + 0.5 (unhallowed scathing) + 0.33 (banded smiting initiative) + 0.5 (ashi barai kick)
Warlock: 24.83/minute = 12 (magic arrow) + 6 (mental blast) + 4 (mental tempest) + 1 (star of the green flame) + 0.5 (striking fist) + 1 (winged arc-bolt) + 0.33 (oblique pattern)
(*)Barbarian: 15.83 = 12 (kick) + 0.5 (striking fist) + 0.33 (banded smiting initiative) + 1 (ishtl’s thrashing) + 1 (knee smash) +1 (elbow)
[kick, striking fist, bash, isth thrash, band smiting all cant be used while insanity]
[kick, striking fist, bash, isth thrash, band smiting all cant be used while insanity]
(*)Nojohr: 13.3/minute = 12 (kick) + 0.5 (striking fist) + 0.5 (ashi barai kick) + 0.33 (banded smiting initiative)
Analysis and Conclusions:
We previously touched upon the idea that kung fu moves needed to be buffed generally. We explored the idea that certain kung fu moves needed to be buffed much more than others. This listing helps us discern which moves need to be improved more.
The first general trend we notice is that casters tend towards having more kung-fu, in addition to stronger kung-fu as a result of sixth sense. This is largely an acceptable balance, because casters' physical attack damage is reduced by having poor weapons, less +dam, and the option of a high-dammage spammable (fireball, anyone?). Therefore, it is not as ridiculous to grant casters the possibility of "additional rounds". This is also perhaps one of the main reasons witches were not granted the single most powerful kung fu (magic arrow) witches have a high damage weapon and higher hit/dam than traditional casters. Nothing really explains warlocks; warlocks have two strong weapons, many attacks (speed and class), sentinel dominance, physical intensification, lag reduction, sixth sense, and usually have alignment freedom. Short conclusion: We need to be careful not to buff warlocks.
Barbarians have a strong incentive to not open with kick or any of their low-damage kung fu moves, and due to their high damage boost spammables: berserk, insanity. Additionally, they have the best combat initiative readiness. Nojohrs have a second-place combat initiative readiness, but their alternative opener is rage, which is much crappier than barbarians. Short conclusion: We don't need to buff barbarian kung fu, cause they don't use it and don't need it.
Working from that loosely brings in valkyrie/nojohr + their kung fu + lack of traditional spammable abilities for some discussion. All the other classes have spammables, druid might be particularly exceptional with regular damage from decaying touch. And valk/noj are traditionally limited to kung-fu + rage. Exceptions being fire goddess and magos/lernen with spammables studied. Despite the exceptions it serves to identify a little bit of a weakness in the base class. (Perhaps a discussion that we can take up in the future.)
Druids, Dajas, and Fallads, are so far behind, we're tempted to ignore them entirely. Their reliance on pets reduces the usefulness of lagless entry. However, druids in particular might benefit from an improved uptime on decaying touch with more options for lagless entry.
The classes with the highest frequency are vastly superior in kung fu frequency but also excel in other areas, as well (read: pvp). It is the medium frequency classes might be worth looking at further via kung fu, but overall utility might need to be taken into consideration. Short conclusion: Monk, Hunter, Footpad, Nojohr, Valkyrie, and Ninja are classes that should be up for consideration. Therefore, kung-fu that is unique to these classes should be most up for improvement, and no, inscriptions don't count. As it is, the "additional mechanism" for inscription slots haven't been implemented, so we basically have to ignore inscriptions as a reasonable method of improving kung fu. (Or anything. We'll get to that shortly.)
Discussion is welcome. Any factual errors should be emailed to the author.