Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Lads Here

My overdue post on fallads necessarily follows my posts on healers (dajas), as they share the same fundamentals.  In fact, many years ago they were nearly identical classes.  These days, they are similar but distinct classes, with the following major differences concerning fallads:

  1. Fallad's version of holy analgesic is a 4-second lag prevention, rather than a 2-second lag spammable.
  2. 1-2 more attacks than dajas (depending on training).
  3. An option to use spiritual attacks.
  4. No invis/cloak sight.
  5. Holy Hammer.
  6. Fewer healing/defensive spells (rain, nova, palladium, prayer of mental restoration, unearthly rapture).
Therefore, while the attribute analysis remains largely the same, the emphasis is shifted slightly when making gear choices.  A fallad has the option of using using holy analgesic and lightning in the same round, allowing them to heal and dish damage at the same time.  Naturally, the healing output is suffers from this setup; a fallad can output perhaps 60% of the healing of a similarly situated daja.  Additionally, a daja can glean additional healing output from time-walk lag reduction, whereas a fallad's healing is unaffected by time-walking.

High constitutions levels will reduce holy hammer prevention times to ~10 seconds, and decrease proportional downtime on useful abilities such as creed of the gods volition, so constitution becomes more useful than time-walking (although the two may certainly be combined).  A fallad's personal offense is proportionally more important than a daja's (when considering the output provided by their pet).  Therefore, offensive bonuses such as hit/dam are more important when selecting a race for a fallad.